Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'll just leave this here

Alternative Title: Session closed general

No, seriously: It's been more than two weeks now, where you actually can't play at all. Log in, to get session closed, log in to lag out of game and get a leave, don't login at all because servers are busy, wait in queue for 30 mins, go afk, return 30 mins later, time left: 50 mins.
It's not that I payed for the game, even though I just spend some money on riotpoints, but this is a fucking joke. How can you play with your community like that.
Now would be the best time for S2 Games to make HoN free to play, but even those guys with their mad dota 1:1 clone don't get anything.
Please kind RTS God, let Dota 2 be awesome with some clever matchmaking system for individual players and some descent servers, capable of serving more than 2 people at the same time. Let me return to the game I started with.


  1. Such awesome game but riot servers for Europe are biggest shit ever. Before two or maybe three days I was waiting two hours to join the game

  2. i have a friend that plays this

  3. That sounds really shitty. I'm glad I gave up online gaming, I can't handle things like that anymore.

  4. I know loads of people upset at is pretty terrible.

  5. You are not alone... That sucks now :(

  6. Hopefully it will be fixed soon enough :]

  7. I am quite disappointed as well. Fix it please..

  8. that sucks man I can't wait to play again :/

  9. You can't get anything good for free -.-

  10. i hear that many EU player just play on US server. Wait time: 40 sec lol
